Friday, January 11, 2013


An Intro to the Introduction – Intro to Quotients

We are well educated or are being well educated, we posses nearly all the good manners taught at school, disciplined if not completely yes, it exits in us all to an extent. However, do we really know ourselves? Do we know what we really want in life? Do we know why we stand in the position that we are today. After reading the following you would be able to get the answers to all of the above questions.
Life is bound by various factors and these factors can be clearly distinguished under three proper heads:
  1. Family – The Starting point (The Family Background, Financial condition, Education, sacrament)
  2. Hurdles – Those we face in life (School, College, Friends, Enemies, Relatives, Family, Sacrament, Financial Conditions, Family Background, Colleagues, etc.)
  3. Destiny – Our ambitions and where we actually end into.
But that we will discuss in the Introduction (my next Post) and before understanding them we need to have the understanding of few Quotients, those are very Important in life and has new meaning with the well advanced civilization that we posses today. They are as following:
1.)    Intelligence Quotient (IQ):  Means the fundamental intelligence all of us posses with which we carry out our day to day work. Human beings posses an innately high level of intelligence compared to most of the lower animals (forms of life). Though all are not born equal and the brains develop as per the family and religion that we follow, it also depends mainly on the nutrition standards that we have during childhood.
2.)    Emotional Quotient (EQ): Has to do with emotions like pleasure, pains, happiness, and sadness. While these are a part and parcel of everyday life and are the results of the factors which aren’t in our control, they start to interfere with day to day efficiency and peace of mind. They might also take us away from normal life and living.
3.)     Spiritual Quotient (SQ): Is a fine balancing act, once we begin into understanding ourselves well through proper application of our Intelligence and emotions we are living our lives according to spiritual principles.
4.)    Experience Quotient (XQ): The ability to understand a situation from past experiences of ourselves and others around us. The positive judgement of the results of the acts of other people or ourselves, in a particular situation. The judgement of the consequences of the acts that is done can be done or would have been done in a particular situation. The ability to judge the truth behind the statement of the others and also the reason for the statement. I know some of us wouldn’t have been able to understand the whole of these statements, to make it simple let me clarify, that as we grow up and face several situations in life we are able to gain the experiences by them. It is learning from each and everything that we come across. IQ primarily solves logical problems, and a stronger IQ can judge even without High XQ, but learning things around us and implementing them in our lives is  a part of life.
5.)    Social Quotient (Present day SQ, as it is referred to): Social quotient is how social and friendly you are with friends and family. How co-operative, extrovert, and friendly you are, what do others in friends and family think about you. Its also that part, in which if you plan to do something, how much they are ready to co-operate with you.
The others are as follows:
1.)    Intuitions: Is that inner ability which gives pre knowledge of a situation by a overwhelming are or disturbing feeling. The pre knowledge can be about anyone, an act, or act of any one. The feeling may arise about people either associated or not associated with one getting an introduction. A higher level of intuition is terms as premonition.  
2.)    Patience: doesn't mean that, one is lacking patience if he suddenly starts shouting and becomes angry with what he sees. May be his XQ makes him do so for, to stop the other, for he has feelings to understand the situation and its effect, which others don’t understand. Patience is often misunderstood to be calm in all the situations, but that isn’t what keeping patience actually means is totality. Patience actually means keeping your calm in the hardest and the hard of the situations when you think everything around you is going negative. Keeping your IQ and EQ balanced and your mind set tilted towards Spirituality. Keeping a faith in God, hence, having a positive attitude towards life that everything would be fine and healed by time. Mean while keeping your emotions balanced. It means being consistent with your ambition and being positive that a time shall come when you can actually attain it. The hard times of keeping patience must be an addition to your XQ. When a person in a traffic starts abusing you suddenly and one doesn't reacts is not his patience, it’s his Spiritual Quotient for he understands that the other is lacking in civil sense. And if you react, people say you are impatient, and at this point of time you are, for you are lacking XQ, and thereby Spiritual Quotient in you.
The Further Article as Introduction shall be published very soon, which shall contain the explanations of the Factors of Life. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Methodology – Positivity is God

The History and the Civilisations outlay,
Shall be defined, on the Doomsday.

Suppose today, a meteor or a comet strikes earth, and the modern civilization that we posses today, and proud of, comes to an end, only few people who have well prepared for the doomsday shall be alive. It shall be a total extinction of our civilization and people all over the world, with the animals, and birds we see today in Jungles, or in Zoo. Life never ends, and as life always finds a way for itself; Maximum animals and plants present today shall extinct, but many shall still remain and/or evolve to be new plants and animals to survive in the new environment. People who are left alive after the doomsday will be compelled to live the life of early men, striving hard for their day to day needs and hunger. The person who actually prepared for the doomsday and gave shelter to other people would then turn out to be their leader. The leader’s successor then would turn to be head of the tribe. After, say 500 years the population will grow again to an extent. And the as the population would have grown by then, they would have new groups and find new land for cultivation and hunting, Making new tribes.  Initially, they would be dedicated to the God as per their religion, gradually; they shall be so indulged in their struggle to survive that they would forget God and turn barbarians fighting among themselves as a way for survival and gain of power. They would be segregated in different tribes and people shall fight for issues such as cultivation land, area for hunting, food and women. They will excavate Earth for resources and the Status of Mahatma Gandhi, Winston Churchill, and other leaders would be found, and they will treat them as Gods and Goddess. By then the real life events of the present leaders such as George Bush who’s Statues have been found, would have turned to be folktales and Saddam would be the Demon whom he slayed. The Aircraft and others medium of War and transport would be an amazing matter for them. (Much similar are cases of the present day Indians (Hindus) and ancient Greek, as they follow the Ramayana and The Mahabharata)
With the passage of time, the tribe with more resources, power, and population will turn to be minor Kingdoms and the successors of the head of the tribe shall become the King, if his family has survived so far, else the strongest person will. And Scholars will write the folktales with exaggeration about George Bush and Mahatma Gandhi, and that of their leaders, that they would be like Gods.  Moreover, People will construct new temples and start praying to them.
As more time would pass by, and the population shall increase more, and people will start understanding the realities of life. Leaders in the fellowship of God shall emerge, who would try to civilise the people and make them deterrent of God for doing wrong as they can’t go directly against the King and the King may or may not be a God fearing, ethical person. The need of God as a deterrent factor shall emerge for everyone, even the King to stop from misusing his powers and make him God deterrent, so he doesn’t does ill to his people. Many Kings would then try to declare themselves as Gods and the Leader, opposing the King, Leaders shall emerge as followers of the right path and of God. If they die, or survives struggling for the people as against the King and his men, he shall become a Hero. And if he is able to kills the demonic King, He shall again be termed as a Hero. The Tales of his struggle, Fight and Victory would be written. With the passage of time he shall be referred to no longer as hero but God, or avatar of God or God himself, or Son of God.  And the people, who would be very ignorant, would be compelled to believe what are said by the Gurus and priests at that time.  This would not happen in one tribe or one Kingdom but in several Kingdoms and of Different geographical barriers, and people of different tribes would have Gods of their own origin, with slight differences as per their Holy Books, which were supposed to be the Law of that region with God detergent factor and were written by the spiritual leaders as words of God; to make people believe it’s true as it was said by the God Himself.
About another 5000 years down the line, with Literature and thought, scholars would come up, in different Kingdoms, and the Kingdoms shall be defined mainly by geographical barriers and power of the Kingdoms to win other, for geographical barriers would make it hard to attack another kingdom and win. Those scholars would write books on the existence of God and as people would start wondering, as to how they were born and new queries would start coming up by people in general, the scholars would travel another Kingdoms and gain knowledge and be compelled to write and assemble folktales about the spiritual leader and others in much exaggerated manner linking those to the early excavations and in a much exaggerated manner. They would even write about how God created the Earth and the Universe. They would write it as they were the words of God as dictations and The Spiritual Leaders will also write it as the Dictations were given to them. The reasons are simple, firstly, people will start believing that it’s true, and should be implemented if it’s said to be the word of God and secondly, it would provide them with more respect as a matter of fact for the reason, that God Talked to them, as they can then prove that they are real close to God.

Much similarly, as it’s written in The Bible, and The Puranas. Like Adam and Eve were sent first on earth according to Bible and the Quran, And the Puranas say Brahma created Marichi, Atri, Anigra and Pulsatya Rishis first. Today, we can ask, ‘And what about the dinosaurs and their fossils, were they buried by God to have an internal museum so we can dig Earth and find something for our recreation”. Secondly, the Sun revolves around the Earth and others planets and Stars do the same. As mentioned in The Bible and the Quran. What the hell are astronauts and NASA doing then? Once I talked about this to a Moulana, he reacted and said ‘how much does the scientists and the NASA knows, do they know more than Allah and Hazareth Mohammed’. This is nothing but as it sound to be rigidity with sheer ignorance in totality, in well educated fools.
About another 2000 Years, Powerful kingdoms, who would consider themselves superior in race, and colour, would come up, with better civilization and want of resources, and plan to win and rule the whole Earth. Meantime, many scholars, scientists and Inventions will come up and and new necessities would develop. The Powerful Kingdom will enter different lands and Kingdoms for Resources which they would take to their Kingdom for more Prosperity. Later the minor kingdoms will fight for freedom and New Democracies Like today will be born and we will call ourselves Civilized and Find the meaning of God again.
My methodology is clear and simple. All I want is that, people to see what the truth and reality is, and then decide themselves, with an open mind. Let me make it very clear that I am not opposing God in any manner but with the World Population of about Trillions and people of different religion, with rigid attitude towards their personal God must admit the reality of our development and the development of our religion as Dharma and Laws to control us from becoming barbarians. And this development was in stages.
There is ONE GOD who exits in Tri-Unity and the Bible, Puranas, Vedas and others are nowhere wrong in this. As for the Muslims, they have a long way yet to go to be civilised. We should forget our differences and stop behaving like Dogs who start barking when they see a new Dog or a Dog of another breed. We are one and we all share a common God. Accept that Kafirs are not who don’t believe in Allah, it’s those who don’t believe in God, God is referred to as Allah. But today Allah has become the God of Muslims and God, Bhagwana are of Christians and Hindus. This is their sheer ignorance. The Basic reason is that, the Laws of Quran were in accordance to the time when it was written by Prophet Mohammed, to make the barbarians civilized  But it has become obsolete in the modern days and the followers of Quran and Hence, Islam, have turn to be modern day Barbarians. I know Muslims will argue again to this point stating shariat laws are the best, I say, yes they are, if the Quran is correctly interpreted by your Maulanas, and the real picture is put forward. And barbarians like you, wherever you exist, you turn others Muslims; turn them into barbarians by preaching them wrongly. And Shariat is the best law to treat you barbarians. There is nothing wrong in your religion; the thing that has gone wrong is you people. You must first leave rigidity towards your religion and take up things as they really are. I nowhere state that propagation of any religion is bad, but doing it as way of Jihad is wrong.
We are just among other species, on the face of earth, like any other living being, whether it is a Plant, or an animal. We are like the animals with different breeds such as African, Chinese, Indian, American, Latin, etc. Yes, we are animals, but it’s high time that we find our real God and stop being Animals any more. Man is a Social animal, and we are building society of our own, on the basis of religions, as Buddhist, Hinduism, Muslim, Christians, and Sikhism. We should stop being civilized barbarians and admit that we are Humans and only Humans, and we share a common God, who delivers our prayers.
Therefore, be positive in all your approaches and be positive and practical, for the things you want out of life and God will hear you, for you are a Part of God, as you are the part of the Universe, and universe shall returns you what you think of.

Monday, January 7, 2013



Pray to God and it will be you, whom He hears,
Nothing is true but, prayers with tears;
God is omnipresent, it’s in your heart were it lies,
To see God in others, Look into their Eyes.

                  I acknowledge that I am indebted for my work and success to my parents, my sister, my wife, my enemies (because without enemies the justification of circumstances and knowledge of work wouldn’t have been possible, the core of success lies in competition) and GOD. But wait a minute, which GOD, aren’t we all human and share a common GOD, or do we think ourselves as superior because of our religion. 

Deciding on this point I went through all the Veds, Puranas, Upnishads, The Holy Bible and the Holy Quran. I talked to many people of different religion on this point. I found out they all consider that GOD, as there maker is only One. They believe that there religion is superior to others. I being a Hindu also considered the same.  It’s the feeling as at childhood we thought our father to be a superhero (I thought that till I was 20 and he died). No religion is super religion. Actually, the religions or Dharma is the Law or more preciously said institutive Law of that Land where it has first originated. In the Old Testament which is followed by the Muslims, Christians and the Jews together (As the origin of all these religion are common, i.e. the Middle East) that a priest, Son of God shall come. Those who considered the Son of God as Jesus Christ became Christian followers of Christ, those who considered Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him) as the Priest became Mohammedan, or the followers of Mohammed (PBUH), and for those who still believe there Priest, Son of God is yet to arrive are the Jews. Considering the passage of time, The Holy Bible and The Quran, added many new feature some to formulate new laws, and some to save the religion from other upcoming religions of those periods. The Holy Bible states that a Demon shall come who shall be disguised as a priest, who shall reiterate the words of God for the fulfilment of his selfish ends. The Christians now after the 9/11 event consider that to be Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) who earlier hardly cared about Islam. In much similar manner in Hinduism it is mentioned that the soul of Tripurasura will again rise as disguised priest and it will be among the Malechha (As the People of Middle east were considered barbarian by the Indians at those time). But that point isn’t true at all for The Prophet took much penance to establish His religion. The religion as a Law of that land for they were totally barbaric. Much similar to the Hindus The Sanatanas, As Hindu is derived from the word sind or sindhu and the Hindukusha Mountains, people living beyond were reffered as Hindus. Hinduism is not a religion but what they follow is Sanatana dharma, for the reason of which many sub religions among Hindus such as Arya Samaj, Bhrahmo Samaj and others came into picture, by the learned of those times, to eradicate the existing ill practices of those times, such as Sati Pratha and untouchability. Much similarly our prophet, as a learned scholar and leader of his time took the penance of formulating new laws for eradicating the ill practices of polygamy, no respect for women, barbaric society. As in all the Holy and Sacred books whether it be The Holy Bible, The Quran or the Veda, Purana or Upanishads the writings are said to be either the dictation of God or the personal writings of the writer. However, all the writings in all the religious books are in a rhyming format. These rhymes are interpreted by the, whom we call the top authorities of those religion presently, in the way they think it should be presented. It is for us to really read and understand what religion we follow and what it actually is made to project. Like in the Quran it is mentioned that ‘marry one, two, three or four......’ it doesn’t means one should marry four and God has given us the right to do so. But it does surely mean that if you can afford fifty and give them equal treatment and fulfil all their needs, you can do so. In Hinduism, there is no law representing how many wives we can have, it is the Hindu Marriage Act, 1956; that restricts a Hindu to marry more than one, but if he does so there shall be no right of the second wife, married without a divorce to the first (Even Hinduism doesn’t has any word called Divorce, Talaq or similar, it is brought up by the same Act of 1956ac), however the children born out of this illegitimate marriage will have the right to inheritance. Lord Krishna had Sixteen Thousand Wives but if we go through the actual fact of the circumstance, he did it to save them from the evils of their life as they had no other way out.

Before we go any further let us compare the God, as mentioned in the religious books of Christian and Muslims:-

The Similarities

  • Both are One.
  • Both are transcendent Creators of the universe.
  • Both are sovereign.
  • Both are omnipotent.
  • Both have spoken to humanity through messengers or prophets, through angels, and through the written word.
  • Both know in intimate detail the thoughts and deeds of men.
  • Both will judge the wicked.

The Differences

  • The God of the Qur'an is a singular unity; but the God of the Bible is a compound unity who is one in essence and three in position (Matthew 28:19; John 10:30; Acts 5:3-4).
  • The God of the Qur'an is not a father, and he has begotten no sons (Surahs 19:88-92; 112:3); but the God of the Bible is a tri-unity who has eternally existed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19; Luke 3:21-22; John 5:18).
  • Through the Qur'an, God broke into history through a world through a word that is written; but through Jesus Christ, God broke into history through the Word who is a Person (John 1:1; Colossian 1:15-20; Hebrews 1:2-3; 1 John 1:1-3; 4:9-10).
  • The God of the Qur'an "loves not the prodigals" (Surah 3:140, Ali), and neither does He love "him who is treacherous, sinful" (Surah 4:107, Ali); but "God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8)
  • "Allah desires to afflict them for some of their sins" (Surah 5:49, Ali; also see Surahs 4:168-169; 7:179; 9:2; 40:10); but the God of the Bible does not "take any pleasure in the death of the wicked" (Ezekiel 18:23) and is "not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9).
  • The standard of judgment for the God of the Qur'an is that our good deeds must outweigh our bad deeds (Surahs 7:8-9; 21:47); but the standard of the God of the Bible is nothing less than complete perfection as measured by the holy character of God (Matthew 5:48; Romans 3:23).
  • The God of the Qur'an provided a messenger, Muhammad, who warned of Allah's impending judgement (Surahs 2:119; 5:19; 7:184, 188; 15:89-90) and who declared that "No bearer of a burden can bear the burden of another" (Surahs 17:15; 35:18, Ali); but the God of the Bible provided a sinless Savior, Jesus, who took our sins upon himself and bore God's wrath in our stead (Matthew 20:28; 26:28; Luke 22:37; John 3:16; 10:9-11; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Galatians 3:13; 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10).

                People have to be baptised to become Christian and people have to go through Khatna to become a Muslim. We know that Christianity evolved after Christ, And Islam after Prophet Mohammed. Though Muslims do not agree to this concept nowadays, as they relate their existence 2000 BC where Kabba Originated. It is their stubbornness and negligence to accept the truth. Even accepting that to be a fact, and not a malefic practice of the Muslim Authorities; what were they, the Christians and the Muslims before Christ and before the Prophet (PBUH). What is a Person born into before he is Baptised or goes through khatna. He is Born a Hindu or a Religionless person. Then he comes into account of those Laws and practices that he has to follow in life. Born into Christianity he has to abide by the Bible, Born into a Muslim family he has to abide the Muslim way of life, and rest is done by his environment and people around him. I am not justifying Hinduism and am clearly stating that Hinduism is not a religion but it has a separate line of Action as Dharma, or the religious practices, or the Law to be followed by us, in all spheres of life. There is no date when and where did actually Hinduism started, because it never started, it’s not a religion and people are born Hindu (or free from any religion) and then they adopt any religion to be a part of. Manu wrote many books on dharma, and it was not only one person who was referred to as Manu, It was Title given to the most learned scholar of that time. My question is what the Muslims were before 2000 BC or Prophet Mohammed and what were the Christians before Christ. It is well proven in the Old Testament, that people in that region also worshipped idols before their religious Prophet; Son of God arrived to make a historical change. The ancient Greeks also believed in Gods such as Zeus and Mars. There is no valid proof as to from where Aryans actually came. Some say they came from somewhere near the Caspian sea, and how come Chinese, Japanese, Africans and such other people have totally different looks, attitude and way of life arrived and evolved( I shall deal with all these points later in separate chapters, The thing is you have to keep an open mind to admit it). If one Muslim reads this he won’t admit this himself completely and when he shall discuss this to another Muslim, the other shall pointlessly argue and say Hindus have so many Gods, without even reading this article, and it is their sheer ignorance and way they have found to prove that they are supreme without giving a chance to themselves.

Actually, Hindus do not posses many Gods. In the Puranas it is well mentioned that Bhagwana is also referred to as Ila. Arabians still pronounce the word Allah as ‘illeh’ for it’s the way of their pronunciation. Somebody can easily use it to prove his point in a wrong way, but that what is called Kutarak and it has been a weapon of People like Dr. Zakir Naik. He has two more weapons, firstly, he never allows cross questioning and secondly, he uses the names of holy books and its points as his weapon and examples to prove his point. Just like Shylock in Merchant of Venice.
The Puranas range back to the period when It was the time of Heroes, wherein people with most courage and strength tried and changed the world. The Puranas are the tales from history, truly speaking it is prehistoric, when actually Animals like Dinosaurs and Dragons existed (Dragons existence has been proved as their remains have been found). It was the time when people still existed and fought for their lives every day. There were the Aryans who considered themselves supreme in comparison to the Dravidians and others, and considered them as Rakchasa (Or the barbaric people). Just like the British people, who considered Indians as snake charmers. There was a consistent fight for gain of power among the Rakchasa and the Aryans. Actually it was also the position wherein Aryans hoarded the resources from the Rakchasa to their palaces and place. It is clearly mentioned that Rakchasas were the devotee of Lord Shiva and not of Vishnu, as Vishnu was considered the God of Aryans. But that was not the fact as Om Tat Sat or Hari Om Tat Sat (Described below), always goes together. Meaning Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva were always together and the name of one God, as a tri-unity as also mentioned in the Bible as The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. The leaders of Rakchasa did tapasya, tapasya means, they took much penance to establish themselves, and gain power with the name of God. They worked out to gain strength and other powers and not only enchanted the name of God whole day long as shown in the mythological serials in India. They gained the power of Maya, which means Magical powers. And magical powers or siddhis of Maya exist even till date as it can’t be even denied by the Muslims, Because their Maulanas with the help of Quran still have more capability in Maya then Hindu Sadhus do, Because Hindus have lost their originality.

When someone succeeds even today we say it’s the grace of God. In Much similar way the at those time when most of the population was ignorant, it was said that God gave them Vardaan, Truly speaking yes it was by the grace of God that he succeeded in his venture and it was considered as Vardaan or the Grace of God. The Rakchasas then fought for their freedom and gain of power with the Aryans. Just like India’s fight for freedom from the British. The South Indians and the Adivasis (tribal people) of India were considered Rakchasas. But are the really demonic, No, they are not, and south Indians have proved to be much more educated then the North Indian Aryans. However, the Adivasis are still barbaric, even the government aids have not helped them much till date. It is they who get carried away by the Civil Terrorism factors of MCC and others. One of the basic reasons is that they posses’ barbaric intentions till date. The People who fought and emerged as leaders from the side of the Aryans were considered as Heroes and were associated with Gods as their saviour from the Rakchasas. They were referred and given title of Bhagwana, like the British gave the title ‘Lord’.

 Hence, we have Lord Rama saviour from ‘Ravana’. Lord Krishna saviour from many Rakchasas and also played a vital role in the world war of those times ‘The Mahabharata’. So are the cases with Goddess such as Kaali Maa and Durga Maa who were also seen as a motherly figure. Ramayana is not a Mythology as Books written by Ravana still exist, and the places associated with Lord Krishna and Mahabharata, does exist till date. However, the Tales are highly exaggerated at times to make the Lordship or Krishna stronger and similarly of the Rakchasas as to prove that lord had a tough opponent against him, which brought him more fame as he slayed such a tough opponent. They were well associated with Vishnu, as His Avatar, because who else could have killed such powerful demons for the people, and who else can take that big challenging task and succeed. It’s just Like Jesus, the son of God (The Son of God, Jesus and as in the Son in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit) are different. Like is the case with Prophet Mohammed, as the son or the avatar of God. Few Muslims, like Dr. Zakir Naik, will still argue that its nowhere written in The Holy Quran that Prophet was the son of Allah, but I guarantee it is written, I won’t recite the verses like him, you have to yourself go though the Quran to find out. Dr. Zakir Naik also argues that God isn’t present in everyone as it is nowhere mentioned in the Holy Quran. Yes, isn’t mentioned in the Quran because Prophet thought people must feel Allah in them from within. As the darkness is nothing but the non presence of light, similarly, demonic characters are devoid of the Godly element in them. Like Dr. Zakir Naik who doesn’t has God present in Him. As I was talking to a Muslim Priest he said that why would Prophet miss anything when he even wrote what to eat and what not, when he even wrote the way to bath ‘Vazoo’ and how to dress. These were written because, as I mentioned earlier, the Arabic People were totally barbaric, He preferred to make his people firstly civilised, and it was his primary concern. Secondly, His concern was to make such strict Law, that acted and as spoken like Allah’s Words would stop the mischievous behaviours of the barbarians. The Muslims have their cup (Brains) full with the attitude that they know all, firstly, they need to empty their cup a bit to let in new ideas and understand the reality. The origin of the words in a specific language themselves prove how effective and civilised that society would have been in the past. The Word Avatar clearly puts forward the conception of God Entering the Earth with a Body of a Human. Like we enter Video games as the player, and the day is not far enough when the virtual reality games would be as real as one really facing it. Vishnu or His Bodily form Hari Exists on the Earth and His Avatars Lord Krishna, Lord Rama and Lord Buddha walked on the surface of earth to propagate a special message and do a specific task that was a must at those times. It is the sheer ignorance of the Hindus that they worship so many Gods and have got diverted from their actual Dharma which clearly speaks of One God in Tri-unity. However, Lord Shiva or Shankar was the Avatar of tat, i.e. Shiva. He was not one and many people born at several periods of time. The Dev lok was Kashmir and the Himalaya and the King of Kashmir and the Himalayas, and his ministers were nominated in a democratic format like today and the King was referred to as Indra. They ruled upon the Aryans who were the country men then and as Himalayas are still known as the reason why India get a good rain in its season, was considered as a power of the ruler Indra of the Himalayas to bring the rains. It was nothing but deterrent factor for the people for going against the ruler. It was long after, when people of Kashmir were forced to turn into Muslims on the edge of sword. (It is from this point from where the next post methodology shall follow.
In Hindus too, we have shrutis and Smiritis. They have dictations from God and writings from the author. If Muslims hardly believe that anyone has ever seen God, How can they believe that the dictations to the Prophet or anybody, were from the God Himself? In all the Puranas we have the dictations coming from the God, like the Matsya Bhagwana in Matsya Purana. Bhagwan or God in Hindus is of similar meaning as Allah in Islam. Bhagavan, also written Bhagwan or Bhagawan, from the Sanskrit nt-stem bhaga-vant- (nominative भगवान् Bhagavān) literally means "possessing fortune, blessed, prosperous" (from the noun bhaga meaning "fortune, wealth", cognate to Slavic bog "god", Russian богач (boga'ch) "wealthy"), and hence "illustrious, divine, venerable, holy". Hence, it is much clear that the God, or Bhagwana or Allah is the giver of fortune, wealth, etc. And we need to prayer to Him for whatever we want in our life. It is a common belief in Muslims that if we pray with our true heart to Allah especially on sab-e-baraat, our prayers are heard by God, and the proof that God has heard our prayers is tears start running down our eyes. In much similar manner Christians and Hindus also believe in prayers; and it is prayers that we should really believe in.
 The concept of Reiki has also originated from the concept of Prayers, actually prayer for others as it’s a belief that God hears the Prayers done for others much faster than He does for a person praying for himself.  Actually, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) or the parts of The Holy Bible or the Vedas, Puranas, or Upnishads are said to be the words of God, because if the author said it directly that this is the Law, this is the way of life one should follow, hardly anyone would have taken them seriously. Like, many of you reading me now would hardly believe my words as against your long term belief of your religion. Again if I say these are the words said to me by the God Himself, you would take me as a boaster and never believe God would have talked to anyone. Then how come, God took out his precious time talking to those people and not anyone else who existed then or today. There are also many Dharma Gurus and others who have failed religiously and making our disbelief stronger, stronger enough on the shopkeepers of God. But at those times when most of the population was illiterate and ignorant, people believed on someone who emerged out as a leader against all odds and with a pure heart and a feel of piousness and sacrifice, did everything for them to give them a better civilized life. Now it is on us to believe that the words were directly from God or not, or to believe the interpretations by the odd demonic priests of the parts of the Holy Books in the manner they find it best to prove their point.
Om Tat Sat (Sanskrit: ओम् तत् सत्,  Aum Tat Sat  ) is a mantra in Sanskrit it means these are 'the three words of three god’,
Om refers to the Supreme Infinite Spirit or PersonOm represents the Shabda Brahman.
Tat means the second Guptt(hidden). Name of God."Aakashar Bhaham" Om+Tat= Sat-Naam
Sat means the third Guptt, Name of God. "Puran Aakashar Bhaham",Om+Tat+Sat=Saarnaam
Om Tat Sat also reflects that these are the name of three Gods and every human being should learn this. These sacred syllables were integral to religious and material goodness and spiritual pursuit in Vedic age. As in Bhagavad Gita, about five thousand years ago in Dvapara YugaLord Krishna while teaching Arjuna described ‘Om Tat Sat’ as the most effective tool of purification and the supreme awakening. ‘Hari Om Tat Sat’ is Kalyuga version of 'Om Tat Sat'. 'Om Tat Sat' has no physical component. It is purely spiritual and beyond. It starts from the most primordial spiritual form Om and leads to the ultimate Impersonal God, the Formless One (Nirakar Braham), Non dualistic Existence, Sat. Spiritual means fine and to catch hold of a fine thing needs high level of concentration where concentration of mind remains a matter of practice. (Its really true, as those who have studied real hard in school and colleges will definitely agree that the more you study, the more your brains turn sharp and your concentration level, even in your day to day work increases, and helps you in all spheres of life.).In comparison to Dvapara and other yugas the scope of attaining higher levels of concentration is less in Kali Yuga. This is due to higher pace of life and higher frequency of the changes that take place. Therefore the mantra ‘Hari Om Tat Sat’ offers better grasp in Kali Yuga because it begins with Hari -the physical form of the God (Sakar Braham), so it is a pragmatic version for a physical entity to pick and explore the Sat.

In a research by when the Sound of the universe was recorded and Played, It sounded ‘OM’. The ‘Sabda Brahma’ meaning the Sound of Universe, and it is mentioned in the Hindu Holy Books prior to anyone who visited outside our planet Earth. It’s a total misconception in Hindus and others, that the origin of peoples hasn’t been defined in their Holy Books, as Matsya Purana clearly states the origin of People. It also states that children were born from their own sisters and females were very less at those times. Even today Aryans or the Punjabis as we call them today in India have very less females born in their family, and it is the basic reason and proves the point why Punjabis marry in other caste. OM is nothing else but The Father, Vishnu, Narayana. Who has always exited and shall exist. From whom came out the Universe (As mentioned in Hindu Puranas, that Brahma or Brahmanda or the Universe came out of Vishnu), Brahmanda or the Son as in The Holy Bible. Tat is the "Aakashar Bhaham" , which means ‘Now’. ‘Tat’ refers to ‘Now’ as in time, for the only thing that’s in control of a Human being is ‘Now’. This reminds me of the story we all must have read in our childhood ‘The Three Questions’ by Lord Tolstoy. The future and destiny of a human being has been decided by the God the time one is born but it is not legitimate for the people to know there future as knowing their destiny would curb them from living their life with zeal. However, it is Now, that is in our hands and we can make our future better and succeed in our ventures, if we value NOW and do our best NOW. With the passage of time and all the new inventions and innovations we are going through NOW, the day is not far off when we humans would be able to make Artificial Intelligence Robots of bio-mechanical process. The AIRs shall be biologically as well as mechanically and electronically equipped and have an intelligence of their own. We would demand them to work for us; much similarly as we buy pets and electronic devices, we would want them to work for us. Wont something which has an Intelligence of its own and much more powerful than us would surpass us and try to rule us. We would definitely require a check to it. Maybe that check would be electricity in addition to their normal food or something which they couldn’t manufacture or control themselves, so that we still remain supreme and they treat us like their God and remain subordinate to us. It’s that Tat which controls us to go beyond the powers of God. It’s ‘tat’ or the time that forbids us from trying to become God. It’s the destiny that’s defined by Tat.  As for ‘Sat’  it have several varied meanings enrolled into one, but the majors are:-
·         "Puran Aakashar Bhaham", or the complete presence of God, SAT referred to as Brahma or Brahmanda meaning Universe, The Universe where we live in, as a part of it. It is the Universe that defines our destiny at the time of birth as clearly mentioned in Astrology. As the Universe Exists, and we, can see it, but not completely. We cannot actually calculate the real effect of Universe on us. It’s the Astrology as mentioned in the Shastras. The Planets and the stars play very important role at the time of birth of a person and one can make it better by OM TAT SAT, i.e. Prayer to the almighty God, work NOW to achieve what we want in his future and SAT his destiny which is also inconsiderate of the following points.
·          SAT is also the truth that we must follow, it’s not that we must always speak the truth, but we must do whatever we are doing NOW like praying to GOD or doing our daily business we must do it with truth and devotion. Devotion in what you are doing NOW is the truth.
·         SAT also referred to as the "Supreme Spirit" or "spirit", and thus, in this usage, Bhagavan is in many ways analogous to the general Christian conception of God.

I firmly believe in the existence of God, the Demon, Black Magic, Soul, Afterlife, Zin and Zinnat. If you don’t then let me ask you a question do you believe in Timbactoo, I hope you don’t, but believe me it exists in Africa? Search for it. As 99.9% of the people think seeing is believes (but they don’t admit it, hence, one should empty their cup for taking in inputs), but truly speaking they all believe in God, but hardly anyone has seen Him. I believe in whatever I hear that it exists, and to believe that it doesn’t exists, I have to see the opposite of what I have heard of, if I can’t see the existence of what I heard of.
Personally I believe religion, Dharma are the Laws of Life, one should follow, way of prayers and devotion, but we have lost essence of it. The British were much more advanced as they formulated laws that were the need of the Hour. We Indians still follows those 1861 based laws and hardly have any guts to formulate new law. The one thing that we are proud of is our constitution, which has numerous lacuna. The best religion that find today that should be followed is Christianity, as Hinduism, even after being the original essence of life has lost its true meaning and found many Heroes as God, well enough to have one of their own for everyone.

Today, when people see me, they say I have everything that one needs. They believe what they see and think I had had all this always, I mean I begotten these from my father and forefather. But seeing is not believing; we have never seen God but we believe His existence. It’s their misconception, ignorance of the facts and stubbornness in believe what they see now and what they think is right. Much similarly, if they haven’t seen me struggle all those years they don’t want to believe. . Yes, I rose early beyond, way beyond my father did in his lifetime and that too in a span of just 12 years. They don’t see how many failures I have actually faced, they don’t believe that I am yet not where I actually wanted to be or I would have been if I wouldn’t have faced those failures, or they think me to be real greedy person.  Actually it’s their stubborn ignorance in believing what they see today, and building a (mis)conception of their own.

I owe my life to God and my family whom God has gifted me.

The Secret of Life – Positive thinking

Tears are the medium of reaching God Alone with Prayer,
To be heard soon, is from where you stand in a Mass of rare.

I have everything a man needs to live the best life, all the resources and yet all the time to spend the resources, I have fixed Income, and Investments for daily returns. I can buy anything that I would like to have, yet I am not satisfied and urge for more.  I feel like I have nothing to live for anymore, all the happenings in my life in the past years, for my urge to be at this point, where I am today, have shattered me. The sacrifices that I had to make, to reach to this stage, are more painful than the time I didn’t had these resources. Today I feel I was much happier with my family, all together, than today being alone. Why the difference, why can’t I just go to my aunts and uncle and start all over again. Would they understand my problems and their faults? No, I hope not, so it’s better just to confess on my side and put the reality forward. I had been so depressed that the urge to live anymore ended within me. I never tried to commit suicide for God always had something so important or somebody so important associated to me, that I wished I shouldn’t die, at the least. But the Urge to live had ended in me. Then I found the new way of life, a way that gave me power to relive.

 I had always been Successful earlier, because of my Positive and Practical approach towards life. Then due to several miss happenings in my life I lost faith on myself and my future was in ruins. There were so many miss happenings, and that too one after another that I believe could have turned some eccentric, but with the positive approach I won the biggest battle of life. To survive, not to commit suicide, relive and restart my life. And with the positive attitude again, I achieved even more success in life. It’s not easy to do so, but as one of my teachers said in School ‘where there’s a will, there’s a way’; and that will is your positive attitude.

We are the part of the Universe and the Universe returns us back what we think of. There are failures in life. Failure at School, College, lack of friends, relatives, parents being harsh on you, loss of love, failure in business, failure in workplace (Job), death of parents, and loved ones, death of your sibling, Failure in marriage and Divorce can ruin someone’s life and even a part of these can make someone very depressed. And many negative feelings may automatically arise. Many of these things are due to the parents background and relatives and friends, but believe me all of these happened to me, repeatedly and even worse in very short span of time. I was very energetic and my energy levels went down, the urge to live ended, but I restarted, and became successful, hence I am writing this for people who are depressed and have suffered failure can also restart their lives.
The Universe is the Part of God as already mentioned in this article. So when we think the God returns, what we think of. Like when we are about to start a new day and something goes wrong in the morning we think the whole day goes wrong; this is because our belief is that way. Everything went the way they would have been, but if wrong we start associating it with the morning event.

Exercise 1.1

Thinking positively and with confidence that what you are doing will be done and you will achieve what you are working for, is a positive thought. Finding out logically what can go wrong in the midway of you achievement is also positive. But taking up a negative task, the result of which is well known by your intuitions, feelings and present circumstances, that it would go wrong, isn't a positive thought.  If you decide on marrying a girl or a boy, and the circumstances make you feel that it would end up worse, believe me, it would seriously do. Being confident about your work and results are a part of positive thinking. Picking up a positive work is a part of Positive thinking, and isn't Dharma or religions teaching us the same. Thinking Logically about the lacuna in your task, work and result of what you do isn't negative thinking, its positive. But picking up a task and thinking negatively that it wouldn't be done, makes the situation worse. Yes, few things in life, which are not in our control, happenings which we feel ourselves responsible for it, make our life hell. But continued when you weren't there, and shall continue even after you. Life doesn't ends it has new chapters to begin and it depends on you, that you want these chapters to be better or yet worse.

Think positive and be positive and this is what our religions teach us.

As mentioned, that tears, while a prayer to God is heard. In a much similar manner Prayers to God in Mass, and places of Mass Prayer as in Church, Mosque and Temples are heard soon. Therefore, a place of belief and mass prayer soon turns to be a place of Pilgrimage. The basic reason is when you pray with tears all your thoughts are for God and the purpose you are praying for, there is no room for negativity. And in mass prayers and places of pilgrimages, you already have so belief that your prayers will be heard, as God is personally present there, you have a positive attitude towards God and towards your Prayers.

Solution to exercise 1.1

You have to implement it tomorrow on-wards and see it works or not.

That's all I have to say by now.

Sunday, January 6, 2013


This is dedicated to my mother, my wife, my sister, my father and to all those who are positively or negatively (for opposing me, creating hurdles and barricades in my life) associated with me for my education, experience, knowledge, and upbringing.


To read this one, or any other book whether it be one’s course materials or articles, essays, novels, etc., one must always start to read it from the first page, i.e. the first printed page of the book, for every content of a it’s, even its bar code has something to say and us to understand. Have you ever wondered what the numbers of a Bar code actually imply?
The students, either they try to memories something or understand the subjects like maths. Student even memories the science experiments, for that is the way it should be for better grades, but does that really help you in your future, does that really make you stand on the other side of the crowd. When we started up with our school, parents said study; as my father was a businessman he never had enough time to and never questioned me, as to what I was up to, however, my mom regularly did, and I always had a private tutor. I wonder today that did my father even know in which standard (class) I was in school. I saw the best students of my class all mugging (mugging as we called it) their courses up, even the essays. I never did, I don’t mean I never mugged it up, actually I did never study.  All those family and business problems at that minor age went so deep within me that I completely lost my mind. It was the 10th ICSE exams when I actually felt; I was way back, my friends and colleagues. I planned my own routine and I succeeded. I wasn’t the topper of the class but yes I ranked 13th among 80 students, wherein, seriously speaking none of my friends or teachers would have thought that I would pass. Actually, my friends thought I was a big boaster and a bloody good for nothing. That I did never understand. Yes, when the School prefects and school captain were declared and my name wasn't on the list, that was the most hurting moment, and I realized  what I should have realized much earlier and what my parents never realized  All those extracurricular activities at school, which I was never a part of, now make me feel what I missed, and can never again be able to be a part of.
But as kid, it’s the duty of the parents and the teachers to actually understand and find out, what the actual problem is. Its nowhere justified for the teachers to be judgemental about a student, without actually knowing where the problems persists. An uneducated millionaire father is worse than an educated small salaried teacher. It’s the origin of the student’s problem and not origin of problem in student that the teacher has to find out. There was a time when teachers were paid much less to even fulfil their basic needs but today when they are paid well they should dedicate their time and energy in proper direction for the improvement and upbringing of each and every student. It’s the job of the teacher and they are paid for that reason to help and improve the students and not just as a source of their living.
Coming back to the point, when your parents say study, it does mean something, was it that we should mug it up, no it isn’t that, I shall explain it very elaborately later in this article. I shall explain the power and the aims of education, which I realised gradually, and by the time it was too late, but as the saying goes it’s never too late. To begin I would just say when they say, study means understand and if possible implement what you read. If you don’t understand something read it as many times as possible the same sentence, for the understanding it and not for the sake of memorising the same. Once I read in a book “Brain is like a Parachute it only works when you let it open”. Think out of the box.

Exercise 0 .1

If I tell you that below are nine dots arranged in a set of three rows. Your challenge is to draw four straight lines which go through the middle of all of the dots without taking the pencil off the paper. If you were using a pencil, you must start from any position and draw the lines one after the other without taking your pencil off the page. Each line starts where the last line finishes.

Try this now by quickly drawing nine dots on a piece of paper and have a go with a pencil. Place your pencil somewhere, draw four straight lines without taking your pencil off the page. Each line must start where the last line finished.
At times, this work of mine may seem to be philosophical or prophetic, but believe me even they are the part of individual development. This article of mine will take you back ages, and then bring you to the present modern era of information technology and gadgets. It’s you who has to read and understand, it’s you who has to compare your life and calculate the real worth of it, and bring out the real meaning and way of your life. If you think I am talking about prophecies, I am not, what I am really talking about is money making, Investment and family, the things you where involved always. Now do it again after reading this and find the difference.
As to end this preface, I would rather conclude to say, that I would be citing examples of my life for the sake and support of my conclusions, but I won’t be disclosing all, as no author, including me has the guts to do so; and I have a very dark past. I hope none of you or your children ever face it.

Solution to Exercise 0.1

Thinking outside the box requires different characteristics:
  • One should be willing to take new perspectives to day-to-day work.
  • One should be capable of thinking differently with an open mind, think about stuff with substance, and do things differently.
  • One must focus on the value of finding new ideas and acting on them.
  • One must strive to create value in newer ways.
  • One must be capable of listening to, supporting, nurturing and respecting others when they come up with new ideas.